Welcome to Mal d'Mer the blog previously known as kernowkalling.

Friday, 9 April 2010


We spent hours upon hours skating in this barn. Originally it housed a 9ft vert ramp, one of only a few indoor halfpipes at the time. Although a private ramp, skaters from all over the UK would somehow find their way along the winding Cornish lanes, pad up, drop in and roll to the sounds pumping out from Dave's mighty boombox.

Evenings spent in the Bowgie, sleeping bags on the platforms, fresh gaffer tape and stinky pads donned again the next day for yet another session. Lots of tail slaps, lots of body slams - good times indeed.

crantock ramp
Downsized to a 5ft mini a few years later.

Photo courtesy of Chris Fowler


droog79 said...

hey, is that in the barn at treago?
i remember camping there about 10 years ago and spotting it, old & falling apart and almost unskate-able cos they'd laid a massive chain across it to stop you....we still had a go though, trying to ollie the chain after each pump- impossible, painfiul...but fun.

kk said...

Hey droog, it certainly is, and the ollie-the-chain routine was quite common when Dave wasn't about to unlock the padlock!

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